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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Top > Female Hormone Program

Sep 10, 2024 by Martine on Scalar Light
Female Hormone program
I am on my 6-month of the Female Hormone program. When I first started, I was beginning to experience night sweats, hot flashes and poor sleep. I was not feeling like myself, felt very irritated around people (which is not like me at all) and wanted to be alone all the time.

Since being on this program, I have been feeling happier, the irritation is gone, I've become more social. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! The hot flashes and night sweats are gone and I am sleeping through the night for at least 7 hours.

Though I may not understand how Scalar light works I am so glad that I followed my instinct and purchased this program. I'm considering adding my daughter to it as she is suffering from some menstral irregularities.

I am grateful to Tom who is bringing Scalar Light technology into the world.

Aug 27, 2024 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Thank you so much for your service.
Thank you so much for your service.

I have been feeling improved physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. At the same time I have also been taking homeopathic supplements and I believe the combination of both is what is contributing.

I am most likely in perimenopause and began the female hormone program around day 1 of my cycle and at the next menstruation my symptoms of depression, anxiety and physical pain have reduced. My period used to be extremely heavy and anxiety levels high. My period flow was much closer to the average cycle pre-perimenopause and although my emotional, physical and mental states were still slightly depressed they were to a lesser degree and my ability to recognize and pivot has quickened.

I am hopeful that this next cycle will see even more improvement and especially in the week leading up to my next period (cycle days 21-28)

Thank you so much I am so grateful for your service.
Jan 29, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
Beyond amazing and I am so grateful
Dear Tom,

What can I say other than what you have done for me is nothing short of a miracle. It was almost a full year that I had not slept more than a few hours. You started working on me and I now have no trouble sleeping at night. I fall asleep easily and stay asleep!! I am back to the Happy Person I was . . . I was so miserable all those months of not sleeping I cannot tell you how thankful I am. . . Beyond amazing and I am so grateful. You have a most amazing God given Gift.
Jan 29, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
Testimonial for Hormonal Balancing & Emotional Balancing

I had to smile as I read this testimonial from another women. The reason is: While I was at work today (before I read your message), I thought to myself, "Tom is doing some sort of treatment today that includes something about my hormones or something to do with that."

My reasoning for this thought was that I felt emotionally content and also I felt physically warm (almost like a mini-hot flash). I have noticed this several times and I know that it means my body is responding to hormone activation--which is a great thing. Anyway, I noticed the symptoms, thought about how you must be treating me for something to do with the female aspect of my body, and then I just went on with the rest of my day.

Then, I came home and I find you sent an email saying that is exactly one of the things that you had been working on and I see that you sent a message from another female who was also feeling results with hormonal type things.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention one thing (in case other people wonder):

There is no pain or anything negative with the treatments; yet, I have found that, I can often tell when I am having a treatment. For example, in the beginning I would sneeze a lot and had a slightly runny nose at specific times during the day (during the treatments); other times, I would have to use the restroom more often; sometimes, I have felt mini-warm flashes or emotional calmness.

I want to mention that I am not imagining these things; I will be at work or be totally busy and not thinking about the treatments--then I will feel specific things, make a note of it in my mind and then I go home and find your message on the phone or an email that confirms you have been working on me and it has something to do with my experiences. It has totally helped me realize just how amazing this process is!

Tom, this is amazing!!!! What an incredible thing this is! Also, it shows how amazing the universe it. Who would have believed this is possible? We are seeing an amazing aspect of the way our world is made. How cool!!! Have a great day and thank you!
Dec 27, 2023 by Lise on Scalar Light
I have had more energy, great sleeps, i found that my skin seemed firmer
Thank you Tom for the opportunity to experience the hormone scalar light therapy. I have had more energy, great sleeps, i found that my skin seemed firmer, that was a plus as i am 78 years young. Thank you with appreciation for this experience, Lise ??
Dec 16, 2023 by Meg on Scalar Light
Scalar energy work is making a change in my body
I am definitely feeling some results from the three weeks of scalar energy treatments I have received in the female hormone treatment program. The first thing I noticed was that I had much more energy throughout my day. Then I noticed that I had stopped taking naps during the afternoon. The next thing I began to notice is a small amount of pain in my breasts and my lymph nodes. I don’t think the pain is indicative of anything negative. I think it is just an indication that energy is moving. then I began to notice that I was waking up and getting up quite a bit earlier in the morning . All of these things put together tell me that the scalar energy work is making a change in my body.
Oct 05, 2023 by Eve on Scalar Light
My body feels like it’s had a great boost
I bought the female hormone package for a month. In the first week I experienced pain in both sides of my ovaries,
Almost unbearable, felt like heavy period pains, I knew the program was working on balancing them immediately, it lasted for about 5 days, thereafter I started to feel more ‘whole’ as my hormones started to calm down a bit, in my 3rd week I could feel the ovaries again,like a light pulsating feeling, my body feels like it’s had a great boost, I will definitely be doing this one again. I might add I am 56 and finished with menopause a few years ago.
Apr 28, 2023 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Female Hormone Program
Total game changer. Having been on it for about a year, I thought I was home and dry and no need for it any longer. So I came off it and within a matter of days my symptoms all game rushing back and it was not at all fun! I went back on the programme and now all is well again! I feel completely normal and I am so grateful to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!All very best
Jan 16, 2023 by Anon on Scalar Light
In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75%
Good morning Tom,

Before starting the FHT treatment, I have had severe hot flashes for three decades. For many years, I have used bioidentical hormones and tried to manage my symptoms. I had success for periods and then something would change and I would have to try to find the balance once again.

For many years, I did not absorb progesterone and that caused severe bleeding and more than 42 cysts in my abdomen. I found glutathione and that caused me to be able to absorb progesterone which helped considerably.

I then stopped all hormone supplementation for two years, hoping my body would balance itself, but to no avail. I then started back on estradiol two months ago, hoping to end the intense and painful hot flashes but they just got a little less.

OK! That brings us to here. In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75% and also the intensity is much, much less! AND! I stopped taking The estradiol at the beginning of this week!

I am awed and appreciative to say the least. I am also on the regular standard scalar treatment. I have both kinds of herpes, CFIDS and irritable bowl, we will see what happens with that.

I have referred six or seven clients to you for your 15 day free trial and they are loving it and will sign up for on going treatment as well.
Dec 19, 2022 by Anon on Scalar Light
I am awed and appreciative to say the least
Good morning Tom,

Before starting the FHT treatment, I have had severe hot flashes for three decades. For many years, I have used bioidentical hormones and tried to manage my symptoms. I had success for periods and then something would change and I would have to try to find the balance once again.

For many years, I did not absorb progesterone and that caused severe bleeding and more than 42 cysts in my abdomen. I found glutathione and that caused me to be able to absorb progesterone which helped considerably.

I then stopped all hormone supplementation for two years, hoping my body would balance itself, but to no avail. I then started back on estradiol two months ago, hoping to end the intense and painful hot flashes but they just got a little less.

OK! That brings us to here. In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75% and also the intensity is much, much less! AND! I stopped taking The estradiol at the beginning of this week!

I am awed and appreciative to say the least. I am also on the regular standard scalar treatment. I have both kinds of herpes, CFIDS and irritable bowl, we will see what happens with that.

I have referred six or seven clients to you for your 15 day free trial and they are loving it and will sign up for on going treatment as well.
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