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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1792 reviews

Sep 30, 2024 by Hace on Scalar Light
unos años recibí ondas escalares para hiv.la carga
Hace unos años recibí 30 sesiones de ondas escalares para hiv. La carga viral bajó. No desapareció.


A few years ago I received 30 sessions of scalar waves for HIV. The viral load went down. It didn't disappear.
Sep 19, 2024 by Jacqueline on Scalar Light
This is so Powerful
I am Absolutely Honored and excited to witness the results on my first day of this gifted free trial. I on occasion do energy testing on the vitamins and minerals. Wow … so I’m doing the protocol to test each vitamin and mineral before I take them, and my body’s response was a No with each vitamin and mineral that I normally take. This is so Powerful?????? I am Grateful for this technology. Blessings to surround Tom, Family and Staff. Om Bowing To Thee in Love and Light.
Sep 18, 2024 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Scalar Light Trial
Today is Day 5 of my trial therapy from Scalar Light. I am honoured to share my experience as of today.

I am a medical doctor with a very busy lifestyle. I worked continuously for 36 hours, and since I've got covid in 2020, I can't function properly even 18 hours without sleep.
After receiving Scalar Light treatment, I feel young again, I can continue working for 48 hours even without feeling sloppy.
I believe that receiving scalar light helps me to better serve other people, at the same time I am feeling more motivated as my body feels so light and young.

Thank you for sharing this divine energy with me, and I will spread it more for betterment of humanity.
Sep 12, 2024 by A on Scalar Light
Thank you for the opportunity.
I have ovarian cancer and on chemo for 2 years. I lost 40 pounds and my energy is low. After one month of Scalar Light, I'm eating more and my energy has improved a little. It's hard for me to believe these slight improvements.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Sep 10, 2024 by Martine on Scalar Light
Female Hormone program
I am on my 6-month of the Female Hormone program. When I first started, I was beginning to experience night sweats, hot flashes and poor sleep. I was not feeling like myself, felt very irritated around people (which is not like me at all) and wanted to be alone all the time.

Since being on this program, I have been feeling happier, the irritation is gone, I've become more social. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! The hot flashes and night sweats are gone and I am sleeping through the night for at least 7 hours.

Though I may not understand how Scalar light works I am so glad that I followed my instinct and purchased this program. I'm considering adding my daughter to it as she is suffering from some menstral irregularities.

I am grateful to Tom who is bringing Scalar Light technology into the world.

Sep 05, 2024 by Joseph on Scalar Light
Thank you
I just learned of Tom Paladinos passing, and i am so sad to learn that the man that continued the work of nikola tesla, and the man that dedicated his life to the work of healing the world, has passed on to work directly by the creators side. I am certain that Tom will continue healing the world, as he works directly by the side of the grand architect.

I first experienced Scalar Light recently, when i decided to give the free scalar light sessions a chance, and see how i felt. i have not felt this good, from the time i was a young child, in good health.

my plan and mission is to participate in scalar light healing throughout my entire life, while simultaneously sharing my extremely positive experiences, with the world.

i hope everyone will find within their heart, the courage and brevity; to try scalar light, and see how you feel.

if you feel anything like i do, you will feel like you have a new body, and living in the light of thought, of truly infinite possibilities.

i hope you have a wonderful day, and may the light, be with you. scalar light; each and every step of your way.
Sep 05, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
I AM so grateful to George Noory for having you as a guest!
I AM responding to the first week of the trio of blessing from you. I have been in a pleasant state of emotional and Spiritual balance since I began this new journey with SCALAR energy. One of the most remarkable experiences that I AM having is that I'm feeling hunger for food. More than once a day. That may sound strange, but I can't eat if I'm not hungry. I've had the intention of losing this bulge, I refer to "the baby" because I can scoop it up in my arms like I'm holding a baby! It's not pretty! But it is comical. My body is holding onto the fat storage because I'm not eating enough to stimulate the reduction of the bulge! So now that my body is becoming balanced because of this daily zapping of SCALAR Light, my digestion is better, my energy level has increased, along with a sense of well-being that brings me closer to Infinite Divine Source that puts me into an overwhelming place of Gratitude and security. AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! YAY ME!!

Thank you so very much ! I AM so grateful to George Noory for having you as a guest!

You are facilitating the evolution of our time and presence on this planet. We are in the midst of our newest leap in consciousness. Yay us! ?? ?? Thank you for being here for all of us!
Aug 27, 2024 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Thank you so much for your service.
Thank you so much for your service.

I have been feeling improved physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. At the same time I have also been taking homeopathic supplements and I believe the combination of both is what is contributing.

I am most likely in perimenopause and began the female hormone program around day 1 of my cycle and at the next menstruation my symptoms of depression, anxiety and physical pain have reduced. My period used to be extremely heavy and anxiety levels high. My period flow was much closer to the average cycle pre-perimenopause and although my emotional, physical and mental states were still slightly depressed they were to a lesser degree and my ability to recognize and pivot has quickened.

I am hopeful that this next cycle will see even more improvement and especially in the week leading up to my next period (cycle days 21-28)

Thank you so much I am so grateful for your service.
Aug 26, 2024 by Sara on Scalar Light
Thank you so much!
Dear team, 3 weeks since started the program and feel much better. Almost 3 kg vanished and feel less appetite in general. More cravings for crunchy vegetables and fruits, less processed food. Back to old jeans! Feel my hormones more balanced, sleep better. Changed some routines having lunch at 12h and dinner earlier before 18h so I can fast until 07h day-after. Do not feel hungry during fast and drink a lot of water, some milk or natural yogurt. Exercise long walk of 4-6 km per day and keep doing a diet of 2.000kcal per day, where I was not able to loose weight for months anymore Seems Scalar Light is calming appetite, balancing my hormones with the fat metabolism program. Dear team please keep the machine running!! Thank you so much!
Aug 19, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
After 4 weeks on the Fat Metabolism program I’ve noticed a big change
After 4 weeks on the Fat Metabolism program I’ve noticed a big change in what I eat and how much. I no longer crave sugary desserts which is huge for me. I have tried many times in the past to decrease or eliminate sweets on my own and at my best I’ve gone for 2 weeks only to return. I’m also not interested in any salty snacks. I’m definitely eating less at meals and some days I’m only eating 2 main meals a day with a healthy snack in between. I did not take measurements or my weight before I started so I can’t give an accurate answer on the number of pounds or inches I’ve lost but my clothes are definitely starting to feel a little looser. I bought a 2nd month so I’m excited to see my results after month 2.
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