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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1792 reviews

Oct 06, 2014 by Brenda on Scalar Light
Cured! Herpes Gone!
Hi Tom,
Wow, there really is a cure for herpes! thank you thank you. I have had herpes for 15 years and after 3 months of treatment I got the courage to go to my doctor to run some tests and wow no more herpes! I could tell something was working when I managed to have lots of energy in a big time of stress in my life and I had no out breaks.

Thank you
B in Brisbane, Australia
Sep 28, 2014 by C.E. on Scalar Light
We are ALL doing better!
Dear Tom,

Perhaps itâ??s enough to know by our subscription renewal that we have benefited from the Scalar Energy Sessions. However, I thought you might like to know specifically how we feel we have benefited. Thus, I offer the following observations during our first month on the Scalar Energy Pathogen, Nutrient and Chakra sessions:

To my delight, many of us feel as though we have benefited from these sessions. I, for one, have had a chalazion cyst on my upper eyelid for more than two years now and it has grown increasingly large, especially of late. After just a week on the sessions, it began to shrink. After three weeks, it is considerably smaller. I should think it will disappear soon.

Without my even asking, my 36-year-old son offered that the scalar energy is working because he feels so much better emotionally and energetically.

My 67-year-old brother, who has several chronic issues including COPD, says he has more energy.

My daughter-in-lawâ??s acne has cleared up, and I havenâ??t heard my dog cough and wheeze lately.

My mother is 86 and has some memory lapses (I wonâ??t say signs of dementia exactly) which can sometimes make her moody and cranky, and she seems to be happier now.

Thank you for your good and kind work.


Sep 28, 2014 by J.H. on Scalar Light
Intuition Increased Dramatically
Hi Tom,

After finishing the first month of the Pathogen cleanse, Chakra balancing and Nutrient therapy, the results have been quite extraordinary.

At the 10 day mark, I asked myself, " how will I know if something is changing within myself?", and at the 15 day mark i reflected on a series of events that transpired with my mother and sister as a witness.

The synchronicity kept stacking up one on-top of another and continuously right up to the end of the month.I have been more balanced, focused and certain than ever before even though much old 'Stuff' emotional, came up and cleared quite quickly.

As I write this email, 7 days have lapsed from the ending of my scalar therapy and I DEFINITELY am subscribing for another month as I am wondering, "What will happen if i do it for a second month?"

Its quite difficult to explain though it seems as if my intuition has increased and I can distinguish the difference between my ego mind and my intuitive abilities.

This is only a start as this is new to me but so far I am impressed. I am picking the fruits of your works and reading the emails you send regarding the treatments which helps me to digest what is actually happening on a scientific level.

Thank you Tom for being a pioneer and bringing this technology to the world...

With Great Respect,

Sep 28, 2014 by N.R. on Scalar Light
Long Term Sinus Infection
Dear Tom Paladino,

Your treatments work like a Miracle for me!

For the first time in many years I can breathe. Myn sinus is clearing up and my throat and my lungs are much better.I feel lighter and I am getting stronger every day.

I have reordered the program and I will be staying on the program till I am completely healed.

You are a Blessing to me.

Thank you so much,

Sep 28, 2014 by A.B. on Scalar Light
Herpes Simplex 1
Hi Tom,

I started scalar sessions 2 months ago because I've suffered from cold sores since I was a child and they were becoming more frequent as I was going through some personal issues that had me under a lot of stress. I have experienced a few episodes since I started the scalar, but about a month and a half ago, I got one episode that felt different than what I'm used to.

First, there was no pain at all. I knew they were there because I looked at myself in the mirror and could see very small blisters. I usual, I expected those blisters to grow throughout the day, except, they didn't. They just shrank and were gone pretty soon.

I'm a New Yorker and skeptical by nature, but the fact that everything seemed different and that I haven't had an episode in a month and a half even under a lot of stress, gives me hope that this might be working. I do plan on joining for another month to see how this continues to go.


Sep 28, 2014 by L.A. on Scalar Light
Lifted out of depression
Hi Tom,

I have been lifted out of depression frmm the chakra balance. i feel so much better, happier, peaceful. I feel better all around, sleeping better, heightened dreams. I am hooked. i am continuing and am also doing the fat metabolism.

Thank you for doing this work and for helping all the people that you do.

Sep 16, 2014 by F.E. on Scalar Light
14 Yrs Lyme Disease
Hi Tom,

I have been receiving your Scalar Energy treatments for going on 4 months now and want to report how well I'm doing.

I have had Lyme for over 14 years, so you and I agreed that I need to be treated for at least a year.

I realize I'm in this for the long haul. But in the short term I have noticed some very encouraging things that I attribute to the Scalar treatments.

I feel good both physically and emotionally when I'm receiving the treatments. I travel a fair amount and am exposed to lots of stuff - and I haven't even gotten a cold since beginning treatment. People around me are getting sick all the time - I have caught NOTHING.

Because my system is weakened by the Lyme, it is very unusual to have me feel so good and not catch stuff.

I wish more people were open to trying these wonderful treatments. It's absolutely amazing.

Thanks for sharing your gift with the world.

God Bless!
Sep 14, 2014 by Dixie on Scalar Light
Doing Much Better
Hi Tom: A few things:

1. I'd like to thank you from my huge heart for providing such an incredible platform for people to learn, renew, and transform. Are you healthier I guess isn't a question I resonate to, because I think most of us have a definition of health that is not very realistic. I could resonate to "What have you experienced so far with this treatment"?:

Everything that scalar healing has corrected:

a. The anxiety I would feel usually in the middle of the night or early morning has alleviated considerably.

b. I had a complete hysterectomy at age 36 that was not necessary .. no cancer or anything serious, but it was the surgery of the day so to speak which included 200 stitches and a large scar that has never gone away. Chinese surgeons would never leave a scar. It is considered something that has gone wrong. That scar has alleviated 75% since the scalar healing started.

c. A scar on my arm from being burned from the hot end of wood fire stove started disappearing.

d. I had two root canals removed large molars that the surgeon wouldn't follow biological dentists instructions, the area re-opened during this scalar session, almost like releasing bacteria, and has closed up again.

e. The western medical community fried my thyroid at age 19 with radioactive isotope 3 times until my thyroid pretty much died, which has caused muscle tension in my body, anxiety, depression, joint pain when doing hardly any physical work at all .. since scalar .. walked one mile to town without a problem on 3 hours sleep.

So .. I guess you could say I am doing much better. Healthier not sure what that means. As Abraham=Hicks says: Nothing is more important than that you feel good .. and that I can clearly say.


Dixie Heart
Heart of Feng Shui Design
Sep 14, 2014 by D.D.D. on Scalar Light
Bright Light Energy
Dear Tom,

I started feeling the results day 1 - able to sit up for more than 5 minutes. Now at 1:30 am there is a bright light energy about me and I cannot go back to sleep. Told to get up and that's what I did.

I am TRULY grateful Tom.

Sep 14, 2014 by T.G. on Scalar Light
Better Digestion & Assimilation
Hi Tom,

I am definitely much healthier. I have had such major digestive issues for many years, and even with all the right supplements and diet made poor progress, as I was not assimilating. Everything felt more and more out of balance over the years, and

I feel the Scalar treatments are causing a rapid reversal of this process, and am so pleased to have some nourishment so my body can repair itself. I am truly grateful and happy to have been introduced to this modality, and thank you for providing it!

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