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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Sep 07, 2014 by J.H. on Scalar Light
The Synchronicities Keep Stacking Up, One After Another
Hi Tom,

After finishing the first month of the Pathogen cleanse, Chakra balancing and Nutrient therapy, the results have been quite extraordinary.At the 10 day mark, I asked myself, " how will I know if something is changing within myself?", and at the 15 day mark i reflected on a series of events that transpired with my mother and sister as a witness.

The synchronicities kept stacking up one on-top of another and continuously right up to the end of the month.I have been more balanced, focused and certain than ever before even though much old 'Stuff' emotional, came up and cleared quite quickly.

As I write this email, 7 days have lapsed from the ending of my scalar therapy and I DEFINITELY am subscribing for another month as i am wondering, "What will happen if i do it for a second month?"Its quite difficult to explain though it seems as if my intuition has increased and I can distinguish the difference between my ego mind and my intuitive abilities. This is only a start as this is new to me but so far I am impressed.

I am picking the fruits of your works and reading the emails you send regarding the treatments which helps me to digest what is actually happening on a scientific level. Thank you Tom for being a pioneer and bringing this technology to the world...

With Great Respect,
Aug 31, 2014 by B.B. on Scalar Light
I am Sooooo Grateful
Hi Tom,

I know you keep asking me how I am doing and I am sorry it has taken me this long to get a reply to you.

Honestly, I am not sure how the hormone stuff is working, especially since I am having the standard scaler sessions as well. I do know that overall I see a change in how I am moving thru life in general. More balanced, less stressed. I seem to be able to accomplish things that before seemed mountainous. I have lots of projects and piles of papers and I am actually making a dent in them, whereas before I would be so overwhelmed I would sometimes be frozen by inaction.

After listening to your Q&A last night (I have been listening every week since I started the session), I think that was you said about the chakra balancing taking longer to effect change was a lightbulb moment where I started to maybe understand some of the changes happening inside that have been manifesting outwardly in the way I explained above, I actually think I am able to focus better and follow through on things to their completion, rather than getting almost done and then moving on to something else, which has always been my M.O. I honestly am LOVING the changes I am seeing.

As far as feeling goes. With the hormone therapy, I am just not sure. I am hoping to be able to continue them a while longer and see what happens,

As far as the standard scalar sessions go, After the first month, I did notice a shift in my mouth where I had a root canal about a year ago. It's not totally gone, but if it's nerve damage, then perhaps the nerve needs to heal which I know takes a very long time in the human body. Or perhaps the infection isn't totally gone, or maybe it's phantom pain. Anyway, I do notice there's a difference, and to me that's progress in healing.

There are still some other issues, and I am excited about the new scalar treatment to emulsify fat? Came on the call right at 9 pm last night and you had already been talking about this, so I'm not sure I am using the correct wording for this. Just not sure If I can afford to do everything, But I have had some gallbladder issues and believe I have some liver issues... probably a fatty liver because of the excess weight I have. Oh, and this is something else,I noticed -

I have never been a routine exercise girl. I can exercise if I think I'm playing and with someone else, but if I think I'm going to the gym to work out - forget it. Somehow, I have begun to move more over the past month (I'm in my 3rd month of your standard scalar sessions). I think the word is motivation. I believe it's all hormone, chemical, and chakra balance related. I really think they are all integrated in making the body and, even more importantly for me, the brain function better.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this your life's mission. My saving grace is that I am older than you and hopefully you will be around to do this for the rest of my lifetime. Guess that's a little selfish. But I do believe I was divinely guided to you and your work, and I find myself continuously coming back to gratitude for the gift of healing that your work provides.

You have a good, and pure heart, and I think that's the kind of Soul that is best at providing any kind of healing. From what I've heard and sensed, you are just an open vessel for God's light and love. And, for me, the light is a very important part of my spiritual journey, for it lights the way home. Thank you for being that vessel for all of us.

With much love and gratitude,
â?¡ B.B.
Aug 31, 2014 by M.M. on Scalar Light
2nd Week Hormone Therapy
Hi Tom,

About Female Hormone Therapy - I feel calmer and I sleep very well. No weight loss from this, but I will join the fat loss program. Face is clearing up and becoming smoother.

Thank you,
Aug 22, 2014 by S.B. on Scalar Light
The Real Work Begins
Hello Scalar folks,

I am really enjoying the path that scalar energy has opened up for me.

My 1st month I experienced improved regular sleep patterns that I`ve always had trouble with my whole life. What I believe happened is I simply got out of the way and let the scalar treatments work and that`s what they did!

I am very grateful for that 1st month.

Moving into my 2nd month I`ve noticed that some ugly things are rearing their heads and want to be noticed, addressed and finalized so I`d have to say that my 2nd month has been a lot more work and not that enjoyable. With that said, I do understand that this work needs to be done. My hope is that as the months roll by so does my achievements of clearing what does not serve me and developing habits and guidelines that will help me construct a healthier life. I anxiously await what is around the corner as I get more treatments and shed old habits and clear my clutter.

Thank you for this opportunity, I treasure life and the option to improve it at age 65.



P.S. The answer to your question Tom is a very clearly stated YES,I most definitely am healthier. THANK YOU.
Aug 22, 2014 by E. on Scalar Light
Increased Stamina
Thank you Tom,

I am feeling great, I've always felt good because I'm into alternative healing but something extra has happened since my second week on your program. My stamina is amazing and some foods like tuna which I love but only eat once every three months, used to throw my system out of balance for days and that's not happening anymore.

I normally walk each evening but I've been up early mornings outside walking at least 4-days a week with ease up big hills smiling and feeling young again.

God is good,

Aug 22, 2014 by L.T. on Scalar Light
Cellulite Gone!
Dear Tom,

All the cellulite in my upper thighs went away! Sweet! Thank you!!!

Aug 22, 2014 by M.M. on Scalar Light
I look Alive and Feel Peace
Hi Tom,

I've spent this past month receiving your scalar energy treatments. After a few days i felt energised & I looked alive! I can truly say I've never looked better. Tonight I was told I looked fabulous! My hair is thicker & I have hardly any dark circles under my eyes.

My skin is clear & I just feel a sense of ease in my body. In week 2 I had a hives flare up then they went away within a few days. I have more energy & a peacefulness in my body.

I will be continuing my sessions & hope to get more people in the family inboard too. This is wonderful work you are doing.

Aug 22, 2014 by A.A. on Scalar Light
Tested Negative Herpes
Hi Tom and Staff,

I tested negative on my Herpes virus after scalar treatment. I was positive in March. This is mind blowing!
Aug 22, 2014 by S.S. on Scalar Light
Felt the First Scalar Session
Dear Tom,

I am replying to your email which just came in. I originally singed up with T.S. on the 17th and I think it began on the 18th and I definitely felt it while I was having lunch!!

Enjoyed the live q and a last night. By the way I was able to eat an egg without response from Herpes Z just a slight feeling but no eruption -for the first time in years!!

Also I don't know if most people are aware of the triggers for herpes being chicken ((too much) chocolate and eggs. Being aware of Arginine as exacerbating factors helps not to trigger that.

Blessings to you both.

Aug 22, 2014 by G.G. on Scalar Light
I feel lighter
Dear Tom and Team,

I have registered for a further month of Scalar sessions. After my first month of Scalar sessions I feel lighter, more energised, hot flushes have virtually stopped and I have a general feeling of greater well-being, whoopee!!!

Many thanks for this opportunity.

All the best,

G.G. in the UK
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