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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1792 reviews

Aug 19, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
I feel the biggest difference in my overall well-being since being on Scalar Light
Dear Tom and Support Staff,

I am pleased to report that I feel the biggest difference in my overall well-being since being on Scalar Light. Living in the city has been tough due to the microwave radiation all around me. I even partially shielded my home to protect myself from my neighbors wireless routers that are positioned on the sides of their homes facing mine - TWO of them! I also finally got a canopy for my bed. Partially shielding the house and sleeping under a shielded canopy with electricity turned off made a world of difference but when I went out to go shopping or had to travel 45 min on the highway to my work place (that is too close to a cell tower), I would need to shield my body and head OR come home exhausted. This has all changed since I have been on the Scalar Light program that Tom Paladino offers. This amazing technology has made a HUGE difference in my ability to adjust to situations where I am intensely exposed AND without shielding (more difficult to wear shielding in hot weather!!)

My sister also notices a huge difference. At 70 y.o. she was getting serious pains in her right hip and knee. It has all cleared up since being on scalar light! She kept thinking due to her age that certainly something is likely 'wrong' with her so she scheduled a physical including blood work. The results came back with a clean bill of health! We plan on being on scalar light until we pass from this physical existence and are ever so appreciative for Tom Paladino's offer to the world to include all people including our four-legged companions. There must be a special place in Heaven for Tom Paladino who has dedicated his life to be in service to all those in need of real healing.

With Love and Gratitude,
Aug 13, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
My knees are like normal
I have been fantastic since Saturday as though nothing is wrong! My knees are like normal - I don’t know what these anti-inflammatories are that God gives in His scalar light but they are the only ones that have worked! No meds since Friday!!
Aug 11, 2024 by Terry on Scalar Light
With much gratitude and appreciation
Hi Tom

My family and I joined the year scalar light program in mid February of 2024.

I’d like to share the results are life changing on many levels. Increased sleep, better digestion, much calmer than ever before with a feeling of lightness almost indescribable. I’m a full advocate to anyone who is on the fence in that these light programs will work whether you believe in them or not. All doubt in my life is dissolving and my hopes and dreams are returning.

With much gratitude and appreciation for Tom and his crew of people who are aiding in this technology.


Aug 10, 2024 by Susan on Scalar Light
I can't thank you enough for this
I just wanted to let you and your team know what I've noticed now that I'm on day 8. Prior to your treatment, I was seriously thinking I had narcolepsy, it was really bad. For the last 2 days I have not been sleepy and dopey feeling at all!!! I haven't experienced this wide awake feeling in several months. The other thing I've noticed is my intuition has been heightened.

I can't thank you enough for this. This could be a total life changer for all of humanity!!! BTW, I discovered you via Sarita at Solhenge. I watched the interview twice!!

Thank you again
Aug 09, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
I haven’t had a cold or the flu in 7 years
From the first week I was on Tom Paladino’s Scalar program my health has improved and I haven’t had a cold or the flu in 7 years.

Five years ago, I suddenly had a runny nose, temperature, and body aches and pains and within 15 minutes they all disappeared, and I became perfectly healthy again. Last week, after so many years, I began to feel fluish with temperature, and again within 15 minutes, it all disappeared.

How is this possible? Because Tom and his team work on each of us in the Salar program twice daily, and even if a virus tries to take over, it is quickly eliminated.

Many of my friends are in Tom’s Scalar program and they are each totally healthy, too, 365 days per year.

Another huge benefit of the Scalar Program is that once you’re in Tom’s program it’s effortless, you don’t have to do anything at all; no supplements to buy, no Amazon boxes to open, and you can enjoy perfect health as do so many of my friends and I.

THANK YOU, Tom and your Team!

With Love and Gratitude,
Aug 09, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
The tumor reduced in size
On June 2023, I had a colonoscopy and the biopsy came back as an AdenoCarcinoma (Cancer), Stage 3, in the rectum about 2.5 cm away from the anus. Dr’s. in the U.S. and Colombia did not want to operate until I had RadioTherapy and ChemoTherapy. When I learned about this I notified my friend Tom Paladino who started praying for my healing right away. In December 2023, I had 31 sessions of RadioTherapy and ChemoTherapy and the tumor measured 4cm and was moving to the Vagina and 3 ganglia. I changed my eating habits and shed 40 lbs by stripping all sugars and carbohydrates from my diet, started drinking lots of water with lemon and eating a diet rich in fiber. Prior to the therapy the Cancer Antigen (CEA) was at 6.7 (normal range is below 3.5). On June 2024, one year after the cancer diagnosis, the CEA dropped to 2.7, the tumor reduced in size to 3.5cm and it is encapsulated. I feel better than ever and thank God for the great gift of life!
Aug 08, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
We are finding ways to listen to each other and honor and accept what has happened in the past
Dear Scalar Light Team,

I have no words to show how grateful I am for the healing that I have received through you. I am sorry that I am not on social media at the moment as part of my healing process. Here is my testimony - I enrolled my family in the addictive behavior and chemical detox because shortly after COVID-19 lockdown, I went through a Divorce and later noticed that my Son who was in high school at the time was going through behavioral challenges - I dug a little deeper and discovered that he had started hanging out with boys who were smoking weed as a way to cope - his behavior changed radically - I tried counseling, it helped but not completely. However, over these last 8 weeks - my Son is vibrant, coherent and has new goals and we have been able to talk about the pain of my Divorce with compassion - I am enjoying having my Son back emotionally whole as he prepares to go to college. He has stopped smoking weed - he has new friends.

My daughter and I - our relationship had been strained because of the divorce - last week, she was able to open up to let me know how she felt and I listened and she also listened to me without judging me - we are definitely on a healing path. She put on quite a bit of weight during COVID-19 - she is trying to eat healthy and exercise and is surrounded by great friends as support. She is also preparing to return to college more motivated and goal-oriented.

As a Family - we are finding ways to listen to each other and honor and accept what has happened in the past. I feel more connected to the world. I am also ready to accept my life as is and be grateful to God that I am alive. I believe that as we continue on this journey - other family members will also be healed. Thank you again for your love. Love & Hugs from me to all of you. Stay Blessed!!!
Aug 07, 2024 by Sara on Scalar Light
Scalar energy is intelligence, abundance, healing, love… the future of medicine!
Thank you so much for the free trial Tom! Almost finishing the program and can say feel much better, despite of all the challenges I am experiencing at work, able to eat healthy, less sugar cravings, better mood, deep sleep at night and improved calmness, feeling of bliss and joy from 16-17h CET, chakra balance treatment I can feel running through my body every day same hour. At 15h CET and midnight CET another treatments starts and can feel increased heat of 1-2 degrees during that treatment for almost 1 hour, thirsty need to drink some water after (use to drink 2 cups before) and visit restroom to release water after both treatments. My skin glows and is firmer than before treatment started. Thank you so much, starting now a fat metabolism month to avoid diabetes and low bad high cholesterol. God bless you and scalar light technology. Scalar energy is intelligence, abundance, healing, love… the future of medicine!
Aug 07, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
The biggest difference in my overall health & well-being
About 3 weeks ago I started the the Digestive Enzyme Program. Only a few days after starting, I noticed a difference. After a week, the inflammation and itching in my body had subsided, notably with the outbreak of psoriatic arthritis on my knuckles. In the past week, this has cleared up completely! Itching and discomfort in other areas of my body and sinus congestion has also subsided. I find myself humming and singing again as I go about my day which is a testimony to the serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical, that is part of this program!

I feel that the Digestive Enzyme Program, combined with the Standard Scalar, that I’ve been on for several months, is what has made the biggest difference in my overall health & well-being. My energy level is coming back, I am exercising more regularly, walking more briskly and I do not feel the need to rest and nap as much during the day. I also noticed that when I bend down, it is easier to get up again! I am much more enthusiastic about life again and am very grateful to Tom, Nancy and the Scalar Team for your support and dedication to improving the health of as many people as possible.
Aug 07, 2024 by Anon on Scalar Light
I have type 2 diabetes and it has been controlled since I started the treatment with you
I am very happy with the results. I have type 2 diabetes and it has been controlled since I started the treatment with you. In addition, I am more agile and in much better spirits. Thank you very much. I cannot afford the treatment because I am retired and earn very little, but I would have loved to continue. ..thank you thank you thank you
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