Feb 23, 2019 by gregory on Scalar Light
the E/Nt treatment continues to be helpful.
Over the last 2 months our physical, emotional , mental and spiritual balance has only improved .
Its hard to deny something profound is occurring energetically.
I continue to feel better and will continue to receive annual daily treatment .
Feb 23, 2019 by gregory on Scalar Light
the E/Nt treatment continues to be helpful.
Over the last 2 months, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance has only improved.
It's hard to deny something profound is occurring energetically.
I continue to feel better and will continue to receive annual daily treatment.
Sep 25, 2019 by Mike on Scalar Light
When I started my nervous system was completely out of whack. Was feeling anxiety and heart palps everyday. I felt a subtle shift the day I began with the 30 day trial. There is no question two weeks in that I am feeling better overall and for anyone who has dealt with anxiety, less anxiety is a massive difference. Thank you. Look forward to shift in the next two weeks.
Sep 01, 2019 by Ewa on Scalar Light
My mum I had really benefited from the sessions. Mum noticed the memory and eloquence improvement, conversation flows, there is definitely less of the "senior moments" since she is receiving the treatment. I work in finance and for the last month I noticed can easily deal with challenging tasks. I surprised myself how quickly I deal with those jobs recently! Thank you so much Tom and the Team. Love to all.
Jul 28, 2019 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
I believe in this program, and would like to be in a po$ition to gain maximum benefit from it.
Nov 17, 2018 by Brenda on Scalar Light
Hi Tom, I trialed the Endorphin and Neurotransmitter Therapy for 30 days whilst also on the Natural Foods Therapy. I found the therapy very calming. I was able to recover from stress moments from work much quicker than usual instead of working for days I released my stress by the next day. Keep up the good work. Bren in Sydney, Australia
Sep 21, 2019 by Eeva on Scalar Light
I sensed a slightly lighter energy in my daily errands.
Aug 07, 2019 by Marcia on Scalar Light
I did not notice any particularly positive results from this program. I felt a lot of stress over the four weeks, even though I was on holiday. The constant worrying felt way more than is usual for me. Also, my brain seemed to be really scrambled. For example, I put nail polish on a cotton swab and put it on my face instead of my nails. I was also so absent-minded that I put an electric kettle on a hot stove and burnt it. I was staying at an Airbnb and had to replace it. Thank goodness there was no other damage. But the terrible part is that a few days later, I did the same thing a second time and had to once again purchase a new electric kettle for the host. I also left my purse at a store counter.... you get the picture. Overall, it was a challenging four weeks. Maybe this program will work for others. I am not saying that it is a bad program; I just did not notice any outstanding results.
Aug 27, 2019 by Brigitte on Scalar Light
feeling calmer and morerelaxed, thank you, Tom
Jul 20, 2020 by Josette on Scalar Light
After being on trial scalar energy I kept on with neurotransmitter and enzyme. I am feeling energized and feeling a sense of well-being. A clear mind and with this very hot summer I am taking the heat much better. Thanks
Jul 08, 2019 by Theresa on Scalar Light
I have been getting palpitations. This strange sensation in my chest started about the time that I signed up for this therapy. I even went to get an ECG: normal. I am otherwise fit and healthy. I am vegan. I meditate & do Qigong every morning for about an hour. I walk 5 km every Sat.
Apr 02, 2020 by Tess on Scalar Light
Immediately being on the neurotransmitter and endorphin program I noticed a pronounced clarity of thought and direction in my life where I had previously experienced brain fog and inability to focus. Excellent. As the program went on I didn’t notice it so dramatically but I think that was because I was able to get busy doing what I needed to and wasn’t noticing it as a big change but the norm. Thanks
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Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

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