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For example, if you have insomnia, you'll want to see if there are any testimonials from people who have suffered like you.
Therefore, you would type "insomnia" into the search bar below.

Mar 17, 2021
by Teresa
on Scalar Light
I find this new way of achieving great health so exciting. I came across the site and decided to try it..
I too felt an uplifting in emotions (endorphin program) and as funny as it might sound,I always felt almost full...not that I didn't eat, but I felt I had a full, content feeling.
Also, I be been having dreams and deep s actually very amazing and can't wait to continue.
Thank you for your very kind and understanding
support too. :)
I too felt an uplifting in emotions (endorphin program) and as funny as it might sound,I always felt almost full...not that I didn't eat, but I felt I had a full, content feeling.
Also, I be been having dreams and deep s actually very amazing and can't wait to continue.
Thank you for your very kind and understanding
support too. :)

Jan 30, 2024
by Anon
on Scalar Light
Greetings Scalar Family?? I am writing on behalf of my brother. The Endorphin and Neurotransmitter Protocol is helping him tremendously! I have kept a journal of his overall well being as he is also on the regular Scalar Protocol in our recurring family group. I have noted the following; 1. Psychological counseling ended due to his rise in cooperation with staff and his willingness to participate in regular day to day conversation. He is no longer on antidepressants!!! Praise The Lord!!!?????????? 2. Appetite has increased. No more hunger strikes! ?????????? 3. Although he only allows me to visit, he asks about all other family members. Previously, he did not even want me to visit and would say nasty and cruel things to me when I did visit him, 4. Although he stays in the bed by choice he is no longer suicidal. His disposition has improved. 5. He is regaining a few pounds. 6. He now allows the nursing staff to bath him daily and cut his hair biweekly?? 7. He is interested in my well being!!! Since there is nothing physically wrong with his extremities, I pray that he will regain his strength and get out of the bed. I have had numerous discussions with his team but they will not force him because they are understaffed. He needs to exercise and participate in the music program that he so loved. ???????? Placing him on this recurring program made such a big difference! His medical team is astonished and provides me with positive updates on his progress! Thank you for bringing my older brother back to a humane state of peace!

Jul 20, 2019
by Mary
on Scalar Light
Thank you for this opportunity to experience for 30 days free...I have been on your scalar treatments for years now...I am a walking viral syndrome... meaning had viral meningitis at 24 & then repeated at 37, at 34 was diagnosed with lupus ( viral cause) & at 64 diagnosisEd with hyper-thyroid... i also got herpes in my 20’s ... recently had a reading of my body by Dr. Ellen Cutler with her high tech clinical apts that can read the subtle levels of one’s body... I no longer have herpes or lupus & I am clear it is due to the scalar treatments. I have been struggling to understand & work on how my roof is affecting my heart ... I get tachycardia from time to time & now have a pulse that regularly runs 80-100
The new scalar seems to be cleansing & clearing me...I was almost every morning around 3:30-4 with my body temp higher, need to throw off a cover or two, I can feel my body vibrating at it’s core & my face is usually flushed & warm... this is how I felt at the begging of experiencing scalar... I don’t particularly like the feeling but can tolerate it knowing I am getting healthier. With the recent body reading all aspects of my heart were fine...what the reading did fine was my thyroid, food, my emotions & being dehydrated were effect my thyroid which then gets expressed in the heart. Sorry this is so long & it’s been a journey for me to unravel this, learn what is what... I really appreciate all you are doing to support our well being!
The new scalar seems to be cleansing & clearing me...I was almost every morning around 3:30-4 with my body temp higher, need to throw off a cover or two, I can feel my body vibrating at it’s core & my face is usually flushed & warm... this is how I felt at the begging of experiencing scalar... I don’t particularly like the feeling but can tolerate it knowing I am getting healthier. With the recent body reading all aspects of my heart were fine...what the reading did fine was my thyroid, food, my emotions & being dehydrated were effect my thyroid which then gets expressed in the heart. Sorry this is so long & it’s been a journey for me to unravel this, learn what is what... I really appreciate all you are doing to support our well being!

Jul 27, 2020
by Tia
on Scalar Light
My daughter and I are currently in the third week on a free trial for the Endorphin & Neurotransmitter Program. She has 3 kids and has felt much calmer and not so irritated than she had for a long time. They live with me and I have felt more at peace!
Question: Is there a family plan for the 5 of us that I can afford? Would love for the kids to get on this program!
Question: Is there a family plan for the 5 of us that I can afford? Would love for the kids to get on this program!

Mar 13, 2019
by Roberto
on Scalar Light
Good day,
I feel more relaxed and i sleep better, the only
thing is that i still feel very depressed.
Thank you , so much for your work
Many Blessings
I feel more relaxed and i sleep better, the only
thing is that i still feel very depressed.
Thank you , so much for your work
Many Blessings

Jul 27, 2020
by Tia
on Scalar Light
I sent you testimonials that my daughter and I shared on the Endorphin & Neurotransmitter Program. I had a dream about this program I wanted to share.
Some background before the dream. I have been working for DOE in their autism program for the last 15 years. I have also been a spiritual counselor for the last 40 years. I found a way to be comfortable with the chaos that these 2 areas brought me. Whenever I got a new client from either place, I would tell myself that I didn't know what it meant that I didn't know what to do or why I was with them. The only truth I felt I could speak was that I didn't know ... If I thought I did, I would be wrong. Doing this a lot, helped my anxiety and helped me to stay present. I was able to be with those that didn't know either and assist them in finding their own solutions.
Now, for the dream. I am in this world that was completely fogged where I couldn't see what was happening or even what had happened. It didn't seem to matter that I didn't know what I was doing. I somehow managed to get through each day without a clue as to what was going on. This world had days and nights and was revolving as a spiral. Light began to break through this world where the fog was being lifted. People came up to me to ask me how I felt. I stated that I felt fine before but now, I felt better. I looked at the light and realized it was the scalar light coming from the Endorphin & Neurotransmitter Program
During my first week since my dream, I'm finding an even deeper connection with my clients.
BTW, near the beginning of the year, I sent you pictures of orbs and one on my wrist. And the light goes on and on.
Some background before the dream. I have been working for DOE in their autism program for the last 15 years. I have also been a spiritual counselor for the last 40 years. I found a way to be comfortable with the chaos that these 2 areas brought me. Whenever I got a new client from either place, I would tell myself that I didn't know what it meant that I didn't know what to do or why I was with them. The only truth I felt I could speak was that I didn't know ... If I thought I did, I would be wrong. Doing this a lot, helped my anxiety and helped me to stay present. I was able to be with those that didn't know either and assist them in finding their own solutions.
Now, for the dream. I am in this world that was completely fogged where I couldn't see what was happening or even what had happened. It didn't seem to matter that I didn't know what I was doing. I somehow managed to get through each day without a clue as to what was going on. This world had days and nights and was revolving as a spiral. Light began to break through this world where the fog was being lifted. People came up to me to ask me how I felt. I stated that I felt fine before but now, I felt better. I looked at the light and realized it was the scalar light coming from the Endorphin & Neurotransmitter Program
During my first week since my dream, I'm finding an even deeper connection with my clients.
BTW, near the beginning of the year, I sent you pictures of orbs and one on my wrist. And the light goes on and on.

Oct 24, 2018
by Shirley
on Scalar Light
End of 3 weeks with E&NT and feeling wonderful. Pain is gone; sleeping better; feeling stronger; more regularity and a sense of well being. Thank you . I am grateful.

Jun 15, 2019
by Heather
on Scalar Light
I absolutely love the e & n, noticed marked improvement the first day, stuff that normally drags me down seems to not even register now. Love it!

Jan 30, 2024
by Adli
on Scalar Light
Its an incredible program, the neurotransmitter therapy. It gives me more positivity and hope in the face of depression from world events.
Im still figuring it out. Thank you
Im still figuring it out. Thank you

Jul 20, 2019
by Robin
on Scalar Light
Okay, I just finished the first week and I am amazed. Two significant things have happened. First is the results of an ultrasound, doc ordered one because he wanted to know the extent of a hernia. It was at least golf ball size. Well, bingo, no hernia was there! Praise the Lord! Second miracle, I ended an 18 month relationship and I’m not falling apart! Sad yes, but clearheaded and not devastated. A calmness and peace is in me. Thank you for your spiritual work.

Oct 25, 2018
by Mark
on Scalar Light
Hello Tom it's been one week I have had depression for 2 years since i started
The E&N along with my medication
I've felt more calmer & confident .
The E&N along with my medication
I've felt more calmer & confident .

Aug 24, 2019
by Ann.
on Scalar Light
It is hard for me to tell what the effects as I am on the edge of burnout after moving homes, but it would be great if this program would give me the extra boosts I need at this time. I have been doing scalar sessions for several years and they keep me in good health and energy. I am in my early eighties and have been in good health most of my life I also depend on my guides and angels to get me through difficult times. It works!!!!
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