The Pathogenic Cleanse Disassembles One of the Potential Causative Agents of Multiple Sclerosis
> bacteria, pathogenic cleanse, sclerosis

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Disassembles and Eradicates Borrelia Mylophora, One of the Suspected, Causative Agents of Multiple Sclerosis
Furthermore, Scalar Light instruments have been developed that negate the molecular bonds of pathogens such as, bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoan and prions. The negation of the molecular bonds of a pathogen will cause any infectious agent to disassemble into smaller, harmless, physical forms. In practice, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse observes this fundamental law. That is, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse subjects a pathogen to the reverse-phase function of Scalar Light whereby the molecular bonds of a pathogen will be negated subsequently serving to disassemble that infectious agent. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to negate the molecular bonds of any pathogen thereby producing either a cure or palliation for all quantum, pathogenic disease. All scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Hence, the photograph receives the Scalar Light instructions to negate the molecular bonds of a pathogen. The photograph of a person acts as their bilocated Scalar Light quantum version. There are no in-person Scalar Light sessions.
Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of the white matter of the central nervous system. Axons are sheathed in myelin which serve to insulate these nerve fibers of the central nervous system that conduct electrical impulses. The degeneration of the myelin sheath results in the disruption or attenuation of these electrical impulses leading to neurological impairment. Presently, the etiology of multiple sclerosis remains ill-defined. However, there is evidence that the bacterium, Borrelia mylophora is one of the causative agents responsible for multiple sclerosis as well as other neuro-degenerative diseases. Borrelia myplophora has been identified as an active, pathogenic agent in many cases of multiple sclerosis and thus is considered to be associated with this neuro-degenerative disease.
Borrelia Mylophora Identified in a Patient Clinically Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Disassembles and Eradicates Borrelia Mylophora
Borrelia mylophora is a cell-wall deficient bacterium that can readily alter its cell wall membrane and subsequently invade human cells and survive therein. Antibiotic treatment of a cell-wall deficient bacterium such as Borrelia mylophora frequently proves to be inadequate on account of the fact that the lack of a definitive cell wall makes this bacterium insensitive to antibiotic treatments. Specifically, the invasion of Borrelia mylophora inside the myelin sheath of a nerve has been clearly documented and observed in many patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. The invasion of Borrelia mylophora inside the myelin sheath results in two (2) deleterious consequences. These consequences are: (1) Borrelia mylophora has an affinity for myelin and will subsequently invade the myelin sheath producing scar tissue or sclerosis, and (2) the presence of Borrelia mylophora inside the myelin produces an immune-mediated response in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the myelin tissue that contains the bacterium.
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory response associated with the production of an abnormal number of antibodies that target an unknown antigen found inside the myelin sheath. It is theorized that the presence of Borrelia mylophora inside the myelin sheath is one of the antigens that is identified by the immune system thereby producing the immune-mediated response. As a result, the immunoglobulins mistakenly identify and attack the myelin sheath which has been invaded and occupied by Borrelia mylophora. In specific, the immunoglobulins can not differentiate between the pathogen, Borrelia mylophora which should be attacked, or the myelin sheath which should be left untouched. Such is the nature of an immune-mediated response in which tissue and organs are targeted by immunoglobulins in which pathogens have invaded and infected. Consequently, many immune-mediated and autoimmune disorders can be attributed to the invasion of pathogens inside tissue and organs, whereby the tissue and organs are mistakenly targeted by immunoglobulins.
The exact cause of multiple sclerosis remains unknown as research continues to identify the this neurological condition. Nonetheless, it is theorized that one (1) of the contributing factors for many cases of multiple sclerosis is the stealth bacterium, Borrelia mylophora. In summation, Borrelia mylophora is capable of both attacking the myelin sheath as well as eliciting an immune-mediated response that will result in immunoglobulins mistakenly attacking the myelin sheath. To counter these deleterious effects, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles and eradicates Borrelia mylophora by negating the molecular bonds of this infectious agent embedded upon the photograph of a person. Subsequently, Borrelia mylophora ceases to exist.
In summation, a photograph of a person reports the real-time spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical constitution of that individual. As a primal force, Scalar Light is able to identify and transmute the bacterium, Borrelia mylophora that is embedded upon the photograph of a person. In practice, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is the quantum protocol capable of accessing the Scalar Light force field of Borrelia mylophora and subsequently negating the molecular intelligence of the bacterium. Simultaneously, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse negates the molecular intelligence of the associated endotoxins of Borrelia mylophora. As a result, the endotoxins cease to exist and can not pose a threat to quantum, human health. All Scalar Light sessions operate exclusively within the Scalar Light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension.
All Scalar Light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. A photograph of a person represents the bi-located Scalar Light version of that individual. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science and thus the terms, words, descriptions, theories, test results, Scalar Light sessions, diagnostic test results, testimonies, etc. reflect the body of evidence of this new branch of physics, Scalar Light. The terms and expressions utilized to describe Scalar Light action do not have a linguistic equivalent to any other scientific discipline or teaching. It is my hope that the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse will one day be embraced as an effective, quantum healing protocol.
May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.
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