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Natural Healing Daily Scalar Session Schedule
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Scalar energy provides a natural healing option SCALAR SESSION SCHEDULES: Pathogen Cleanse (For the Body/Mind) 9 AM TO 10 AM EST and 6 PM to 7 PM EST daily. Nutrient Program (Body/Mind) 11 AM to 9 AM EST, 22 hours per day each day. Chakra Balance (Mind/Spirit (Meridians and nervous system) 10 AM to 11 AM EST daily Scalar Light is the natural, clean energy that originates from the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars. Scalar Light is omnipresent a ...
Borrelia Burgdorferi Disassembled with Scalar Light
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Scanning electron micrograph of Gram negative, anaerobic, Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, which had been derived from a pure culture. This pathogenic organism is responsible for causing Lyme disease. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Disassembles Borrelia Burgdorferi, One of the Causative Agents of Lyme Disease Scalar Light is a divine light that is responsible for assembling and maintaining all atomic and molec ...
Preventing Human Cancer as Identified Upon Photographic Force Fields
by Scalar Light | Feb 6, 2023
The Role of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse in Preventing Human Cancer as Identified Upon Photographic Force Fields Scalar Light is the Divine Intelligence of God that is responsible for all spiritual, mental, emotional and physical action in the universe. Thus, Scalar Light is the animating principle of all action. Furthermore, Scalar Light is the primal force in nature that is responsible for assembling and maintaining the physical structure of the universe. Stars, ...
Scalar Light Negates the Molecular Bonds of Candida Auris
by Scalar Light | Jun 7, 2023
There exists two (2) energies in the universe: scalar energy and electromagnetic energy. All energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy, therefrom, electricity and magnetism are a derivative or a converted form of scalar energy. Scalar energy or scalar light originates from the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars which serve as the 'storehouses" for this divine, fundamental light. Furthermore, scalar light is the cause of time and space as this divine energy transcends ...
The Scalar Light Standardized Sessions Complement Conventional and Integrative Health Care Practices
by Scalar Light | Aug 24, 2023
The Scalar Light Standardized Sessions are a unique, non-physical, informational protocol whereby photographs of people receive scalar light instructions. The photograph of a person is their bi-located scalar light version that reports the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical constitution of that individual in real time. The scalar light dimension is able to transcend time and space thereby identifying and influencing the scalar light force field embodied upon a photograph of a ...
The Common Cold Addressed by Scalar Energy Cleanse
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
There are two energies in the universe: electromagnetic energy and scalar energy. Many people have theorized that scalar energy exists and have given various names to this, such as chi, orgone energy, life force, tachyon energy, Om, logoital plasma, Creative Strength, Prana, etc. In retrospect, these terms alluded to scalar energy which originates from the Sun in our solar system and the stars of the universe. Scalar energy is a divine light that is one of the infinite at ...
The Standardized Scalar Light Sessions Serve to Address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Scalar Light | Sep 19, 2023
The standardized scalar light sessions serve to address chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disorder that produces profound fatigue that is not mitigated by sleep or rest and can not be attributed to any underlying medical condition. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are impaired mental concentration, insomnia, general weakness, sensitive lymph nodes, headaches, muscle pain, increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, depression, and car ...
Boost Wellness with Scalar Light
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Harness the energy of the universe for better health naturally Science has proven that our bodies have the natural ability to heal when the environment is suitable. Now, many environmental factors can interrupt the natural environment of healthy cells, including microbes, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals. Scalar Light provides energetic information that helps you boost wellness by initiating and supporting restorative health and self-heal ...
Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Chronic Fatigue Resolved after Standard Scalar Session!
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Another Scalar Energy user shares her experience! In her testimony she reveals that the Epstein-Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus and Chronic Fatigue she suffered with were all eradicated in 6 months of her using the Standard Scalar Sessions! Her health has greatly improved. ...
Lyme Disease Eradicated via Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleanse
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Tom Paladino’s Scalar Energy pathogen cleanse can help eradicate Lyme disease! ...
Pathogenic Cleanse Improves Dental Health
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Scalar light is divine energy distinct from electromagnetic energy; it originates from our Sun and the universe’s stars. Electricity and magnetism are a derivative or subset of scalar light. Hence, the laws that govern scalar light are different from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy. Scalar light instruments have been developed that control and administer scalar light to improve quantum human health. In particular, dental health can be enhanced via scalar ...
Scalar Light for a Pathogenic Cleanse
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Register for your FREE 15-Day Trial CLAIM YOUR 15 DAY FREE TRIAL NOW Here are only SOME of our PCR Test results where Scalar Energy has successfully eradicated Pathogens. Lyme Disease PCR Tests PCR Test 1 HIV PCR Tests PCR Test 1 PCR Test 2 PCR Test 3 Herpes PCR Tests PCR Test 1 | PCR Test 2 PCR Test 3 | PCR ...
Standard Scalar Energy Session with 3 Protocols
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Tom Paladino is a Scalar Energy researcher who innovated the standard scalar energy session and is offering 3 protocols to help with eradicating pathogens, assembling nutrients and balancing the chakra. ...
Recent Posts
I Haven’t had a Cold or the Flu in 7 Years
Scalar Light Testimony Following Tom's Interview on Coast to Coast
Disease is a Scalar Light Signature
Scalar Light Overall Well-being Testimony
Scalar Light Disassembles the Herpes Virus
Herpes Testimonial Following Scalar Light Sessions
Scalar Energy Vs Parasites - Testimony
Increased Sleep, Better Digestion, Feeling of Lightness - Scalar Light Testimony
Scalar Light Identifies and Negates the Disease Signature of Rheumatoid Arthritis