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The Autobiography of an Advanced Scientist Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus
by Scalar Light | Nov 3, 2023
CLICK HERE to read The Story of Eloptic Energy - The Autobiography of an Advanced Scientist Dr. T. Galen Hieronymus ...
The Hieronymus Patent for a Scalar Energy Instrument
by Scalar Light | Oct 30, 2023
Dr. Galen Hieronymus was an electrical engineer who had a distinguished career with the Kansas City Power and Light Company. Notably, Dr. Hieronymus designed a phase locking system that served to connect power stations and his achievements were recognized by both the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. During his prestigious career, Dr. Hieronymus discovered another dimension of energy existed that he termed: eloptic ene ...
Tracking The Astronauts in Apollo 11 - PDF Report
by Scalar Light | Oct 30, 2023
Click here: Tracking The Astronauts in Apollo 11 - PDF Report ...
Tracking the Astronauts in Apollo 11: A Quantative Evaluation of the Well Being of the Three Men
by Scalar Light | Oct 19, 2023
Scalar Light was utilized to monitor the astronauts during the Apollo 11 lunar mission by way of their photographs. The inventor, Dr. Galen Hieronymus and his wife, Louise, monitored the astronauts during their Apollo 11 lunar mission and measured their Scalar Energy biorhythms and vital signs by way of their photographs two days prior to lift off, during the orbital mission and concluding with the quarantine period. Attached is the study, Tracking the Astronauts in Apollo 11: ...
Galen T. Hieronymus Discovered How To Monitor Health Using A Person's Photograph
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Learn how we began our work with photographs. This body of work was developed by Galen T. Hieronymus who worked with the Apollo 11 astronauts and the U.S. Government. He discovered that photographs carry the imprint of body, mind and spirit of an individual and his work was astonishing. Source: https://tandjenterprises.com/Radionics/TheStoryOfElopticEnergy.pdf from page 315 ...
Hieronymus Grew Plants in the Dark With the Use of Scalar Light
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Dr Galen Hieronymus ( November 21, 1895 February 21, 1988 ) was an American scalar light researcher and inventor. During his prolific scientific career, Hieronymus discovered universal, holographic energy distinct from the electromagnetic spectrum: he used the neologism “eloptic energy” to describe this unknown force. Hieronymus was awarded a US patent, US2482773A, September 27, 1949, for engineering a scalar light instrument. To date, Hierony ...
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