Pablo Maria: Prophet of the Divine Will and the Divine Light
Pablo Maria is a prophet of God who has been given the gift of the Divine Will. The Divine Will is an exalted state of spiritual perfection that God has given to chosen souls. Initially, Adam and Eve possessed the gift of the Divine Will in the Garden of Eden, however, their sin separated them from God and they eventually lost this most precious gift. Subsequent to the fall of Adam and Eve from the state of Grace, God has reintroduced the gift of the Divine Will by way of a Catholic mystic, Luisa Piccarreta, the “Little Daughter of the Divine Will.”
Pablo Maria was asked by God to enter monastic life in order to save souls by way of prayer and labor at the Monastery of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, Georgia. Thereafter, Pablo Maria was given many supernatural gifts, such as prophecy, bilocation, the invisible stigmata, healing hands, the gift of tongues, the reading of souls, infused Wisdom, visions and locutions. I initially met Pablo Maria in November of 1993 while I was on pilgrimage at the monastery in Conyers, Georgia. During my pilgrimage to the monastery, Pablo Maria was told by the Blessed Virgin Mary to walk up to me and hand me a Rosary. This was a sign from heaven that Pablo Maria and I were chosen to work together in order to introduce the Divine Will and the Divine Light to mankind. Subsequent to my initial visit to the monastery, Pablo Maria started to receive locutions and visions from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin in order to abet my scalar energy research and development. Over the course of time, I continued to visit the monastery in Conyers, Georgia as I would meet with Pablo Maria who continued to receive additional messages from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary regarding scalar energy, the Divine Light. Succinctly, these messages that I have received from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary have provided me with the Wisdom and Knowledge necessary for scalar energy research and development.
Monastery of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit, Conyers, Georgia

By way of these messages, Jesus Christ revealed that scalar energy is His, “Creative Strength,” and that the universe is permeated with this Divine Light. In specific, Jesus Christ has asked me to introduce scalar energy to mankind as this Divine Light will serve to glorify God and will greatly benefit the welfare of mankind. The Divine Will and the Divine Light are inseparable and are necessary to bring to fulfilment the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To this day, I continue to receive locutions and visions from God in order to assist me as I conduct scalar energy research and development. The advent of scalar energy will serve as a sign for mankind to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The coming Era of Peace will witness the gift of the Divine Will in which scalar energy, the Divine Light, will once again be enjoyed by mankind without diminution. My prayer remains that mankind will acknowledge, embrace and incorporate one of God the Father’s “greatest creations,” scalar energy, the Divine Light.

Tom Paladino
Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Read More
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