Scalar Energy Facts and Prophecies
2) God initially created only scalar energy when He created the universe. The fall of Adam and Eve brought about an inferior type of energy, which is, electromagnetic energy.
4) Scalar energy does not experience entropy as this form of light neither weakens over distance nor time. Thus, scalar energy is a “divine” and eternal form of light.
5) Every prayer, emotion, thought or physical action is an emanation of scalar energy.
6) Scalar energy is informational energy that instructs all physical matter to assemble as well as disassemble in the universe. Thus, scalar energy is exclusively responsible for the geometry of the universe. All atomic and molecular forms are assembled and maintained by scalar energy.
7) Scalar energy assembles and maintains all matter from the ether, which is the fundamental, physical substance of the universe. The atoms, molecules, elements, plants, animals, man, plants, and stars are all composed of physical ether.
8) Scalar energy assumes the shape of a double helix, phi spiral. The length of one (1) full cycle of the phi spiral is 1.618… times greater than the width of the phi spiral. Subsequently, the scalar energy instructions embodied in the double helix serve to impart the mathematical value of phi or 1.618… which is found throughout all of creation.
10) Scalar energy is the Word of God. God created scalar energy when he commanded: “Be light made. And light was made.” Genesis 1,3. Scalar energy is the divine light of God.
11) The rotation of the scalar energy double helix is the cause of time. Rotate the double helix in one direction and time will travel forward, conversely, rotate the double helix in the opposite direction and time will travel backward.
12) Jesus Christ instructed me that the Sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are powered by scalar energy, the Divine Light. Every star contains a sacred cube at the center composed of a gold base and four sides composed of crystal. The Blessed Virgin Mary instructed me that the top of the sacred cube is open thereby allowing the Divine Light of Jesus Christ to illuminate creation.
13) The Ark of the Covenant is a scalar energy vessel. Moses and the Israelites enjoyed the benefits of the Ark of the Covenant when this sacred vessel was in their midst. “And the Lord went before them to show the way by day in a pillar of a cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire: that He might be the guide of their journey at both times.” Exodus 13, 21.

Tom Paladino
Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Read More
All Scalar Light programs exclusively transmit scalar light upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Only the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects receive the scalar light transmission of energy. Scalar Light has NEVER been administered on an in-person basis. Furthermore, scalar light is an unrecognized energy dimension that has not been accepted by conventional science.
Scalar Light honors the medical community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified medical and wellness professionals. Additionally, Scalar Light honors the scientific community and encourages everyone to likewise respect and honor the advice of qualified scientists and researchers.
The Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration and / or any other Governmental derivatives thereof, known or unknown. Furthermore, the Scalar Light administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects has not been evaluated by the medical community nor the scientific community.
All Scalar Light sessions act exclusively upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Hence, all subject matter on the web site, SCALARLIGHT.COM is a direct and exclusive reference to the influence and action of Scalar Light upon these photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.
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