What Information is in a Photograph?
A Photograph carries the information of a person’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state
Scalar light is a divine intelligence that creates, interprets and stores all information in the universe. As such, scalar light is the Logos, the word of God, or the mind of God. Succinctly, scalar light is the universal information system that is responsible for all spiritual, mental, emotional and physical activity in the universe.
A photograph carries the information of a person’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state at the present moment. Hence, a photograph of a person can be utilized by a scalar light instrument to interpret their current spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state. In practice, a scalar light instrument can be used to identify and monitor any spiritual, mental, emotional or physical event that a person is currently experiencing.
Below are some examples as to how a scalar light instrument can be utilized to identify, monitor and influence a photograph of a person in order to affect their current spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state as reported by the photograph:
1) Increase their level of conscience in order to distinguish between right or wrong, good or bad.
2) Increase their brain wave activity as well as to influence the seven (7) meridians of the body.
3) Increase their level of happiness or contentment.
4) Increase their level of creativity and mental clarity.
5) Improve the quality of sleep and deepen the dream state.
6) Assemble the molecular bonds of micro-nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, phytochemicals, enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, endorphins, etc.
7) Disassemble the molecular bonds of pathogens, toxins and harmful substances.
8) Decrease pain and inflammation.
9) Improve skin tone and reduce wrinkles.
10) Improve the immune system response.
11) Achieve homeostasis.

In synopsis, the scalar light sessions administer scalar light to a photograph of a person which carries the current state of information regarding the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical constitution of that individual. Hence, a photograph of a person represents their scalar light signature or scalar light information. All scalar light sessions are administered exclusively to a photograph of a person thereby assuring an exact, current state of being.
May God grant you excellent health.

Tom Paladino
CEO - scalarlight.com
Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Read More
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