The Pathogenic Cleanse Addresses Pathogenic Diseases and the Associated Quantum, Medical Conditions
The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Addresses Pathogenic Diseases as Well as the Associated Quantum, Medical Conditions
Scalar Light is the divine, fundamental force in nature that originates from the Sun as well as the stars in the universe. All energy in the universe initiates as Scalar Light which will convert and subsequently degrade into electromagnetic energy in many environments. Scalar light is the non-physical, infinite source of energy that pervades the entire universe and is responsible for all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action. Thus, Scalar Light serves as the instructions for the universe. In specific, Scalar Light assembles and disassembles all atomic and molecular forms in the universe. Scalar Light instruments have been developed that are able to harness this fundamental force and subsequently disassemble the atomic and molecular bonds of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions and protozoan. In practice, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse addresses pathogenic diseases as well as the associated medical conditions by way of the Scalar Light dimension.
All Scalar Light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In specific, a photograph of a person will serve to identify the presence of pathogens that presently infect that person. Thus, a photograph carries the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical constitution of that individual in real-time. Succinctly, a photograph of a person represents their bi-located Scalar Light version that can be influenced by a Scalar Light instrument.
The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse addresses over 400,000 species of pathogens, such as, bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions and protozoan. Scalar Light is capable of negating the molecular bonds of pathogens thereby disassembling and eradicating these infectious agents that are the causative agents of pathogenic disease. In practice, the Scalar Light force fields of pathogens identified upon a photograph of a person are negated and thereby cease to exist as infectious agents. Succinctly, Scalar Light negates the molecular structure of a pathogen thereby reducing an infectious agent into smaller, harmless proteins or elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, etc. All Scalar Light sessions act upon the Scalar Light force fields embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.
Pathogens are the underlying cause of pathogenic disease and play a role in causing various medical conditions. Examples as to the role that pathogens play in various pathogenic diseases as well as the associated medical conditions are listed below.
The Role of Pathogens in Pathogenic Diseases as well as the Associated Medical Conditions
1) Scalar light is able to disassemble and eradicate viruses. At least 20% of human cancers are caused by viruses.
2) The herpes simplex virus type 1 has been implicated in having a role in bipolar disorder.
3) Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium, is the cause of some ulcers.
4) Many autoimmune diseases are triggered initially by pathogenic infection of a specific organ or tissue.
5) Epilepsy is associated with the human herpesvirus type 6.
6) Lower back pain is associated with the bacterium, Propionibacterium acnes.
7) Multiple sclerosis is associated with the Epstein-Barr virus.
8) Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan, is associated with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
9) Crohn's disease is associated with the bacterium, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis.
10) Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by various serovars of the human papillomavirus.
11) Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacterium, is the causative agent of tuberculosis. On a global basis, approximately 10 million people each year are diagnosed with tuberculosis results in approximately 1.5 million deaths annually.
Furthermore, it is believed that as many as 2 billion people have a latent infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
12) The fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis, is the causative agent of Blastomycosis that produces flu-like symptoms when its spores are inhaled.
Image Above ^^ The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles and eradicates Toxoplasma gondii identified upon the photograph of Tom Paladino
The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse easily disassembles and eradicates all of these aforementioned pathogens as well as over 400,000 species of pathogens and parasites that cause pathogenic disease or contribute in part to other medical conditions. As a fundamental force in nature, Scalar Light affords consummate control over the molecular structure of any pathogen thereby transmuting an infectious agent into smaller, harmless forms. In function, Scalar Light negates the molecular bonds of a pathogen causing an infectious agent to lose its molecular structure, fall apart and cease to exist. Succinctly, Scalar Light is able to identify and negate the molecular bonds of pathogens that are embedded upon a photograph of a person.
Additionally, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the endotoxins and exotoxins associated with bacterial infection. As a result, there are no adverse side effects associated with the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse as the toxins cease to exist. Subsequently, it is impossible to experience a toxic shock, die-off, rash, dizziness, chemical detox, Herxheimer reaction, flu symptoms, diarrhea, headache, etc. It is crucial to understand that Scalar Light is divine, non-physical intelligence that can not produce a chemical side effect. Therefore, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is a safe and effective protocol to negate the Scalar Light force fields of bacteria as well as the associated toxins that are embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.
In reference to fungi, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the mycotoxins associated with fungal infection thereby obviating the possibility of toxic shock or discomfort associated with these poisonous, chemical compounds. Hence, to disassemble and eradicate the molecular bonds of mycotoxins serves to avoid any adverse side effect. As a result, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse avoids any chemical reaction. Scalar Light action is divine, non-physical action imparted upon the photographic force fields of people, animals, plants and objects.
In summation, Scalar Light is a divine, non-physical energy that carries all instructions for the universe. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the molecular structure of pathogens and parasites as well as the toxins associated with these infectious agents. As a result, the pathogen as well as the associated toxins cease to exist. The absence of a pathogen as well as its associated toxin serves to consummately address pathogenic disease as well as potential, negative side effects. All scalar light sessions administer divine, non-physical intelligence upon the scalar light force fields of photographs.
All Scalar Light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. A photograph of a person represents the bi-located Scalar Light version of that individual. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science and thus the terms, words, descriptions, theories, test results, Scalar Light sessions, diagnostic test results, testimonies, etc. reflect the body of evidence of this new branch of physics, Scalar Light. The terms and expressions utilized to describe Scalar Light action do not have a linguistic equivalent to any other scientific discipline or teaching. It is my hope that the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse will one day be embraced as an effective, quantum healing protocol.
May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.
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