Quantum Leap to each category
Delhi Showcases Scalar Energy Healing
by Scalar Light | Mar 9, 2023
“I feel good and free” is just one of the testimonials explaining the effects of Scalar Light, a quantum energy therapy offered free of charge to qualified NGOs in Delhi, India. A powerful statement from a man diagnosed with HIV and on medication since 2004. His life, since the diagnosis, had been far from free. Faced not only with a lifetime of having to take medications but also the social stigma attached to such a disease. The worry for him, his family and the sid ...
Om Prakash Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS CLINIC in Delhi, India
by Scalar Light | Jan 9, 2023
PCR Test Results Om Prakash Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, was formed by a 23 years old positive person who lost every hope in life as he was thrown out of village Dhosi, Dharbanga district of Bihar in 1995. Sahil struggled in Delhi staying at railway stations for 6 years working at hotels till 2005. He connected to NGOs but still could not make his livelihood. All this harassment didn’t stop him to work for benefit of ...
PCR Results
by Scalar Light | Sep 21, 2023
The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the a ...
HIV Viral Load Eradication
by Scalar Light | May 25, 2023
Mission Accepted Plus GenZ is us We continue our educational journey into the quantum realm with scalar light researcher, Tom Paladino. His ground-breaking work with OM PRAKASH, an HIV / AIDS clinic in Delhi, India will blow you away! People are having results! Of the 5000 participants in his study, 100% of the individuals who had a follow up test after receiving the scalar light treatments show eradication of the viral load! Amazingly, the presence of the virus was no longer ...
A Photo Tells a Thousand Stories
by Scalar Light | Feb 21, 2023
Not so with Scalar Energy. It really only needs to tell Tom Paladino, founder and inventor of Scalar Light Technology, one story for him to make an adjustment and give it a different ending. This inspired Tom to offer FREE Scalar Light sessions for one full year to qualified NGO's and their communities. Originally Posted: Phoenix Voyage Having already given so many people renewed hope regarding their health issues in Africa, Tom Paladino then started tra ...
Vijay and Seema OPNP+ Scalar Light Testimonies
by Scalar Light | Dec 13, 2022
Vijay Two months ago, he attended an OPNP+ meeting explaining about Scalar Light Remote Healing. It was offered for free to the NGO community. Now Vijay feels good with more strength. "It's a good thing, thank you". Seema Seema is also connected to the NGO. "They took a photo of my hand." She now reports that her CD4 has increased. "I thank the NGO and the person offering this opportunity." Other OPNP+ Scalar Light Testimonials HERE ...
Mohammad Alam HIV Testimonial OPNP+
by Scalar Light | Nov 22, 2022
This is Mohammad Alam. He has been taking HIV medicine since 2004 and has always been worried about the situation. OPNP+ called Mohammad to attend a meeting about Scalar Light. A photo was taken only of his hand. Since the Scalar Light sessions began, his CD4 has increased. He now has a big appetite and eats 4 to 5 times daily. He would like to thank OPNP+ for contacting him and taking a photo of his hand for this program. "I feel good and free." Other OPNP+ Scalar Light ...
Scalar Light Helps HIV Patients In India
by Scalar Light | Nov 22, 2022
A miracle has happened. Two humanitarians have joined forces, offering a network of 9000 people living in India a free opportunity. This opportunity has had a profound impact on lives around the world. Welcome to the era of remote quantum healing. The Scalar Light machine is able to reach people around the world...even in remote villages. This new series of videos are personal testimonials from the OPNP+ groups who have HIV. They are happy to share their experience with Scalar Light. ...
Scalar Light for a Pathogenic Cleanse
by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022
Register for your FREE 15-Day Trial CLAIM YOUR 15 DAY FREE TRIAL NOW Here are only SOME of our PCR Test results where Scalar Energy has successfully eradicated Pathogens. Lyme Disease PCR Tests PCR Test 1 HIV PCR Tests PCR Test 1 PCR Test 2 PCR Test 3 Herpes PCR Tests PCR Test 1 | PCR Test 2 PCR Test 3 | PCR ...
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Scalar Light Identifies and Negates the Disease Signature of Rheumatoid Arthritis